X「鎌倉法語集 (僧)良忠著 ; 隆圓編. 文政9」仏教書 禅宗 古典籍 和本 蔵印 本朝高僧伝 : おもちゃ,Unidentified artist | The Poet Fujiwara Kiyotada, from the “Narikane Version” of Thirty-six Poetic Immortals | Japan | Kamakura period (1185–1333) | The Metropolitan Museum of Art,The Pure Land Tradition's Five Sūtras' As Checked By The Chinese Pure Land Tradition's 13th Patriarch Great Master Yìnguāng 中国净土宗十三祖印光大师校订之《净土五经》 – Purelanders,佛教文化经典丛书:白话楞严经( Buddhist Culture Classic Series: Vernacular Shurangama Sutra ) - National Library Board Singapore - OverDrive,鉴真(Chinese Edition) - Kindle edition by 雷勇著. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @,