Essentials of Geology, Global Edition 12th edition by Lutgens, Frederick K., Tarbuck, Edward J., Tasa, Dennis G. (2014) Paperback
Essentials of Geology, Global Edition 12th edition by Lutgens, Frederick K., Tarbuck, Edward J., Tasa, Dennis G. (2014) Paperback, Essentials of Geology (12th Edition): 9780321947734: Lutgens, Frederick K., Tarbuck, Edward J., Tasa, Dennis G.: Books,Essentials of Geology,Essentials of Geology 13 Edition: Fredrick K. Lutgens and Edward T. Tarbuck, Dennis Tasa: 9780134663494: Books,Essentials of Geology by Dennis G. Tasa, Frederick K. Lutgens and Edward J. Tarbuck (2014, Trade Paperback) for sale online | eBay,