Development of a novel self-healing Zn(II)-metallohydrogel with wide bandgap semiconducting properties for non-volatile memory device application | Scientific Reports
Development of a novel self-healing Zn(II)-metallohydrogel with wide bandgap semiconducting properties for non-volatile memory device application | Scientific Reports,Development of a novel self-healing Zn(II)-metallohydrogel with wide bandgap semiconducting properties for non-volatile memory device application | Scientific Reports,Development of a novel self-healing Zn(II)-metallohydrogel with wide bandgap semiconducting properties for non-volatile memory device application | Scientific Reports,MSC NutriStem® XF Media | Stem Cell Media | Sartorius eShop,One‐Pot Template‐Free Synthesis of Monodisperse Zinc Sulfide Hollow Spheres and Their Photocatalytic Properties - Yu - 2009 - Chemistry – A European Journal - Wiley Online Library,