Ooka Shunboku 大岡春卜 | A Garden of Celebrated Japanese and Chinese Paintings (Wakan meigaen} 和漢名画苑 | Japan | Edo period (1615–1868) | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ooka Shunboku 大岡春卜 | A Garden of Celebrated Japanese and Chinese Paintings (Wakan meigaen} 和漢名画苑 | Japan | Edo period (1615–1868) | The Metropolitan Museum of Art,Illustrated Account of the Sino-Japanese War, Volume 8 - The Lavenberg Collection of Japanese Prints,File:SSID-13737260 史記通論.pdf - Wikimedia Commons,旧墨 鉄斎翁書画寶墨 五石漆煙 徽歙曹素功尭千氏造 1/8型 二両 1980年 - 書道用具専門店 西本皆文堂 オンラインショップ,Illustrated Account of the Sino-Japanese War, Volume 8 - The Lavenberg Collection of Japanese Prints,